Author: Charles Harvey
Abstract: A detailed c ompoarison is presented of available birth charts of all haemophiliac and haemophilia carrier descendants of Queen Victoria. Non-haemophiliac siblings are also included. Saturn and
Mars/Saturn midpoints are dscussed for their relevance to the findings, and further research into a possible correspondence between cosmic factors and genetic structures is recommended. (See also “Queen Vctoria and her 9 children: Charles Harvey, Correaltion 6 Winter 1969-70 pp8-9)
Keywords: haemophilia, genetics, midpoints, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter
Publication: Correlationi old edition
Issue: 3
Dated: Spring 1969
Pages: 3-6
Astrology and genertics: haemophilia (summary of the initial results of a study)
Posted in Free Research Abstract