Author: Prof. Peter Roberts
Abstract: This article is based on a talk given to the Research Conference of the astrological Association in November 2002. The author argues for a non-causal explanantion of the working of astrology and bases his argument on the evidence of “entanglement”, the simultaneity effect of transits, the lack of evidence for any physical connection and the lives of Gaquelin’s professionals. He goes further in proposing that a real “secondary world” exists allowing not only the selection of birth times by the “star-born” but also the successes of Alexander technique and the “Inner Game”. Finally, he suggests that this concept of the secondary world has been anticipated by the ancient Tao beliefs, and that the scientific and Tao views are complementary.
Keywords: non-causal, birth times, Tao, Alexander Technique, star-born, Gaquelin professionals, transits
Notes:This paper was presented originally at the Astrological Association Research Conference, London, UK, 2002
Publication: Correlation Journal of Research in Astrology
Issue: Volume 21 Number 2
Dated: 2003
Pages: pp 37-42
Going with the flow: the message of astrology
Posted in Free Research Abstract