Author: Suitbert Ertel
Abstract: An attempt was made to find evidence for relations between traditional aspects and human birth. Gauquelin data on 20,528 eminent individuals representing 11 proofessions were subjected to time series analysis, segmenting a critical A-period of hypothetical influence (A = aspect condition) together with three preceding (P) and three succeeding (S) time periods of equal duration. The requencies of births within sequencs of 3P + 1A = 3S time segments were superimposed for each profession and for each of 15 aspects (conjunction, squares and oppositions between Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). Mean time series obtained for empirical aspect occurences were compared with mean time series for equivalent random segments as controls. No indication of an aspect influence was found.
Keywords: aspects, time series, Gauquelin data, superposition
Publication: Correlation journal of research into astrology
Issue: Vol 8 Number 1
Dated: 1988
Pages: 5-21
Relating planetary aspects to human birth: improved method yields negative results
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