Lunar phases and crisis center telephone calls

Author: Wilson J. E 2nd, Tobacyk J.J.
Abstract: The lunar hypothesis, that is, the notion that lunar phases can directly afffect human beharior, was tested by time-series analysis of 4,575 crisis center telelphone calls (all calls recorded for a 6-month interval). As expected, the lunar hypothesis was not supported. The 28-day lunr cycle accounted for less than 1% of the variance of the frequency of crisis center calls. Also, as hypothesized from an attribution theory framework, crisis center workers reported significantly greater beleif in lunar effects than a non-crisis-center-worker comparison group.
Keywords: lunar, lunar phases, human behavior, human behaviour, lunar cycle, belief
Publication: Social Psychology
Issue: 130 (1)
Dated: Feb 1990
Pages: 47-51

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