This is a comment on the moon and rainfall and how harmonic analysis correspons to rainfall patterns. (See also “The Moon and rainfall by D.A. Bradley, M.A. Woodbury and Glen W. Brier, Correaltion 1, Autumn 1968 pp5-6)
This is a comment on the moon and rainfall and how harmonic analysis correspons to rainfall patterns. (See also “The Moon and rainfall by D.A. Bradley, M.A. Woodbury and Glen W. Brier, Correaltion 1, Autumn 1968 pp5-6)
This is a sumamry of the factual substance of an article published in full in American Astrology, August 1968. The paper discusses various phenomoena such as: the Moon and hurricanes, and planets and ocean tides, including eather patterns (e.g. rainfall) and various planetary associations.
The tendency for the same planet to be near an angle in the horoscope of parents and their children is stronger when the earth’s magnetic filed is most greatly disturbed. The author discusses other work in this area and presents a detailed review of: “The geomagnetic activity around conjunctions and oppositions of planets by J. Houtgast and A. van Sluiters, and “Planetary Modulation of geo-magnetic activity” by J. A. Jacobs and G, Atjubsib, It is concluded that Venus and Jupiter are associated with the strongest geo-magnetic effects.
The search for a method to determine criteria for recognising sexual deviancy in the natal chart is discussed. Significant pattersn are identified. Volunteers completed questionnaires providing personal data. Definition of deviancy: homosexuality, sexually submissive, fetishism, and other factors. Moon, Pluto and Saturn are the most frequently involved planets. (See also “Criticism by Ronald Harvey p 11 Correlation 5 Autumn 1969)
A detailed c ompoarison is presented of available birth charts of all haemophiliac and haemophilia carrier descendants of Queen Victoria. Non-haemophiliac siblings are also included. Saturn and
Mars/Saturn midpoints are dscussed for their relevance to the findings, and further research into a possible correspondence between cosmic factors and genetic structures is recommended. (See also “Queen Vctoria and her 9 children: Charles Harvey, Correaltion 6 Winter 1969-70 pp8-9)
This is a critical comment on the work of Professor Edward Dewey (see “The 9.22 year cycle on grasshopper abundance, Correlation old edition 5 Autumn 1969) on sunspot influence where Dewey concluded from a study involving the analysis of economic and sociological cycles, that the main sunspot cycle was 22.22 years, double the length that had normally been hitherto assumed. Gillman exhorts astrologers to give attention to the intervals occurring between successive planetary conjunctions in this new sunspot cycle as this may lead, eventually, to an explanation of how planets are able to exert an influene upon life on earth.
This article seeks to present an outline of opinion on the region in which the Sun’s magnetic field is the dokminant influence. References are presented with summaries of content by the author.
The findings presented are taken from an intensive study of 10 cases of severe cerebral palsy that is, at prsent, in progress. These findings are published at this stage in order to further direct researchers attention to the extreme importance of considering midpoints together with degree areas.
The grasshopper cycle is discussed along with other 9 yr cycle phenomena, e.g. business failures and stock prices, number of years between especially thick tree rings in California, and thick deposits of mud laid down in lake bottoms in the Pleistocene and pre=Pleistocene epochs. The article emphasises the importance of understanding the diverse areas that are subject to cyclical patterns.
This is a report of a paper published in The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1967 Vol. 98 p 1002) on an analysis by Dr. Walter Menaker of patterns of births in New York City between January 3rd 1961 and the end of 1963(n = approx 250,000 births). 1.01% more births occured during the half cycle centred on the Full Moon.