The ‘Mars effect’ identified by Gauquelin is controversial, and has been challenged by various studies. The present study reanlyses French data (Benski et al ‘The Mars Effect’: A French Test of Over 1000 Sports Champions. Amherst NY: Prometheus) which, apparently, rejected the Mars hypothesis. The French data included 1,066 sports champions obtained from studying two biographical sources. Mathematical calculations by the Dutch statistician Nienhuys corrected for the effect of a wrong expectancy.
Ertel further investigates the possibility that some of the sports champions were not eminent enough to be included for study, since their names were listed in only one of the biographies of eminent sports people (this posssiblity was investigated by CFEPP for only 2 of 36 sports disciplines). Ertel identifies “supreme eminence” of some 300 sports champions, in that they were listed in both biographical sources. These men and women did indicate a statistically significant Mars effect (p = .02). Ertel then asked various researchers to check his data and calculations. Six scholars responded and all confirmed Ertel’s data counts. Four of these experts also confirmed Ertel’s statistical model and calculations.