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The planets and the earth’s magnetic field

The tendency for the same planet to be near an angle in the horoscope of parents and their children is stronger when the earth’s magnetic filed is most greatly disturbed. The author discusses other work in this area and presents a detailed review of: “The geomagnetic activity around conjunctions and oppositions of planets by J. Houtgast and A. van Sluiters, and “Planetary Modulation of geo-magnetic activity” by J. A. Jacobs and G, Atjubsib, It is concluded that Venus and Jupiter are associated with the strongest geo-magnetic effects.

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The influence of the Chinese Zodiac on fertility in Hong Kong SAR

The annual total of births in Hong Kong SAR fell substantially in the past 20 years: hence the total fertility rate (TFR) followed the downward trend and dropped to a low of 0.9 below replacement level in 2000. Despite the long-term downward trend, short-run increases in the annual total of births and the TFR were exhibited. Such temporary fertility increases are identified in the Dragon Years of 1988 and 2000. The phenomenon of fertility changes associated with zodiacal animal years is examined in this paper with a view to gaining some insight into whether Chinese cultural preferences and folklore beliefs might have influenced prospective parents’ reproductive behaviour. The paper explains the underlying philosophy of the Chinese astrological tradition and discusses how zodiacal preferences affect fertility between 1976 and 2000. The paper also explores why zodiacal influences on Chinese fertility before 1976 did not exist. It is unquestionable that the Dragon Year preference exerts an influence on fertility of modern Chinese populations through zodiacal birth-timing motivations. Birth rate rise in the Dragon Year is due to changes in timing of births that will have little effect on cumulative fertility.

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More rain … (summary of an article by Gareth Allen

This is a sumamry of the factual substance of an article published in full in American Astrology, August 1968. The paper discusses various phenomoena such as: the Moon and hurricanes, and planets and ocean tides, including eather patterns (e.g. rainfall) and various planetary associations.

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A comprehensive review of the Carlson astrology experiments

An experiment in astrology conducted by Shawn Carlson and published in Nature in 1985 is reviewed using the original materials given to the astrologers, interviewing four surviving astrologers that were found, and comparing the claims of the experimenter made before, during, and after the experiment. Numerous errors were found with experimental hypothesis, design, use of psychological tests by non-psychologists, data collection, data reporting, significant bias, misuse of statistical procedures, unsubstantiated claims, and presentation of a predetermined conclusion disconnected from results.

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Harmonic analysis

This is a comment on the moon and rainfall and how harmonic analysis correspons to rainfall patterns. (See also “The Moon and rainfall by D.A. Bradley, M.A. Woodbury and Glen W. Brier, Correaltion 1, Autumn 1968 pp5-6)

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Moving from Gauquelin to Classical Astrology

In this 3rd part a working model is presented which allows the Gauquelin data to be contextualised within soli-lunar influence and some preliminary tests are carried out. The advantages of doing this are that existing scientific knowledge can be brought to bear, and that they can be seen in relation to the sun, moon and earth in classical astrological thinking. A combination of three factors is shown to enhance the strength of the Gauquelin Effect, and is thus implicated in its generation.

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The moon and rainfall: a report of research carried out by D.A. Bradley, M.A. Woodbury and Glenn W. Brier

The full version of an article by Garth Allen published in American Astrology, July, 1968 discusses and presents the findings of these researchers. In this summary of the article, detailes are presented of research showing a remarkable correlation between the phases of the moon and rainfall in the United States, covering the period from 1900 to 1949. (See also “Harmonic Analsyis” a comment by John Addey, Correlation 2 Winter 1968-1969 pp 7-8)

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Full Moon and Poisoning

Acute poisoning is unusual among diseases in having an extremely short incubation period: patients or their relatives seek medical advice usually on the samae day that the poison has been taken, and the time of poisoning can be established easily. In India, the day of full moon, when the earth lies between the sun and the moon, is called “purnima”. The relative position of the sun and moon on this day are such that their gravitational forces on the earth act almost in a straight line, causing higher tides. Water conbstitutes 50-60% of the body weight of humans. Possibly, as with sea water, body water might also generate some sort of tidal wave that increases on purnima days. These “human tidal waves” might cause physical, physiological, or biochemical changes in the body. The brain might also be affected by the process. As well as other factors that influence an individual to take poison, this phenomenon might affect the incidence of poisoning on purnima days. We undertook a study to investigate this.

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Latest geomagnetic research: a report

A list of abstracts relating to this field of interest is presented which include scientific articles that may strike chords in the astrological conscioiusness, all dealing with the earth’s magnetosphere

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Statistical analysis of the birth charts of serial killers

In this study, hypotheses of astrologers about the predominance of specific astrological factors in the birth charts of serial killers are tested. In particular, Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), the 12th principles (12th house, Pisces, Neptune) and specific Moon aspects are expected to be frequent among serial killers as compared to the normal population.
A sample consisting of two datasets of male serial killers was analysed: one set consisting of birth data with a reliable birth time (N=77) and another set with missing birth times (12:00 AM was used, N=216). The set with known birth times was selected from AstroDatabank and an astrological publication. The set with unknown birth times was selected from three specialised sources on the Internet.
Various control groups were obtained by shuffle methods, by time-shifting and by sampling birth data of 6,000 persons from AstroDatabank. Theoretically expected frequencies of astrological factors were derived from the control samples. Probability-density functions were obtained by bootstrap methods and were used to estimate significance levels.
It is found that serial killers are frequently born when celestial factors are in Mutable signs (with birth time: p=0.005, effect size=0.31; without birth time: p=0.002, effect size=0.25). The frequency of planets in the 12th house is significantly high (p=0.005, effect size=0.31, for birth times only) and the frequency distribution of Moon aspects deviates from the theoretical distribution in the whole sample (p=0.0005) and in the dataset with known birth time (p=0.001).
It is concluded that, based on the two datasets, some of the claims of astrologers cannot be rejected.

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