Current Research Projects
At present there are five researchers supported by RGCSA grants researching impact of intervened births on distribution of birth times, the use of Mars and Saturn in forecasting life events and changes in employment astrology, assumptions and world views underpinning astrology and its critics, and astrologers' attitudes towards the internet and their use of it, and astrological medical beliefs for humans and animals in early modern England.
- Personality and Birth Experience: does birth method and time of birth affect subsequent personality development
- Forecasting astrology and life events: cycles of Mars and Saturn and their possible links with times in the lives of people when they are likely to experience changes in their employment. Astrology, assumptions and world views underpinning astrology and its critics
- Astrologers’ attitudes towards the internet and their use of it
- Research focusing on astrological medical beliefs for both humans and animals in early modern England.
A sixth student supported by the RGCSA has recently graduated at the University of Southampton, UK and now has a Doctorate in The Applications of Astrology to Health Psychology: astrological and psychological factors and fertility treatment outcome.
If you would like more information about these research projects you can contact us.
2009 Research Grants for the Critical Study of Astrology